CPD - Planning Update
Kindly delivered by Susan Crowley, of Crowley Associates
12.30pm, Wednesday 24th February 2021
1hr including Q&A
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This seminar will focus on:
Recent changes to planning law and future policy and procedural reform.
There have already been several waves of change to the legislation which governs the planning system and the Government is proposing a more radical shake up going forward. The effects of COVID have prompted some immediate change and a period of reflection among our policy and law makers, but a more comprehensive shift in the direction of travel for planning is set out in the Government’s White Paper Planning For the Future, on which consultation ended in November 2020. Suffice to say that the White Paper consultation raised a lot of eyebrows amongst planning professionals both for and against the principle of wide scale de-regulation of the system. It is acknowledged that the proposals for change will lead to a more accessible, modern and efficient planning decision-making process, but there is fear that the changes will lead to a reduction in democratic accountability as the system is centralised. All are in agreement that one of the central tenets of the reform - a focus on better design - has been a long time coming.
About Crowley Associates:
Since founding Crowley Associates in 2011, Susan has built up a strong client base with repeat business and a broad portfolio of work. Her expertise is in the field of development management and her company offers a comprehensive strategic planning, development management and appeal service, identifying and promoting development opportunities; and procuring and managing multi-disciplinary development teams. Crowley Associates is capable of supporting every project from inception/feasibility through the planning process to delivery on site.
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